NIDCR FY 2021 Funding Policy
Underlying NIDCR’s Financial Management Plan is the Institute’s goal to provide stable levels of support for high quality scientific research and research training. NIDCR is currently operating under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Public Law 116-260), signed into law on December 27, 2020. Consistent with NOT-OD-21-058, Non-competing continuation awards made in FY 2021 will be issued at the commitment level indicated on the Notice of Award. Subsequent budget periods are funded based on the availability of appropriations, satisfactory performance, compliance with the terms and conditions of the award, and the continued best interest of the Federal government.
The NIDCR will continue to provide individual consideration to all competing applications. For all competing R01 applications selected for funding, the NIDCR will reduce applications by 5 percent below the peer review recommended level of support. As the year progresses, the Institute adjusts its plans to take into account the scientific merit of applications as reflected in the scores assigned during peer review, new scientific opportunities, changes in the projected number of applications, projected award costs, and other relevant factors. Consistent with the NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative, NIDCR is committed to support a robust workforce with diverse perspectives through additional funding consideration for supporting Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) and At-risk Investigators.
January 2024