Leadership & Staff
NIDCR leadership is responsible for planning, managing, and coordinating the nation’s dental, oral, and craniofacial research and training programs and activities.
- The NIDCR Acting Director has a unique multi-level perspective on the entire Institute. The Acting Director provides leadership and constantly identifies critical needs and opportunities, especially for efforts that span the NIH and the federal government.
- NIDCR Executive Staff, including the Deputy Director, assist the NIDCR Director and share in the overall direction of the Institute’s activities. The Executive Staff advises the NIDCR Director on issues concerning the Institute, NIH, and the broader dental, oral, and craniofacial research community.
- More than 400 NIDCR staff support the scientific, administrative management, information technology, communication, and clinical trial and management activities needed to effectively lead and manage the world’s largest oral health research enterprise.
NIDCR Executive Staff
Acting Associate Director for Management/Executive Officer
Office of Administrative Management
Deputy Executive Officer
Office of Administrative Management
Senior Advisor of Data Science
Office of the Director
Office of Clinical Trials Operations & Management
Office of Communications & Health Education
Acting Chief
Health Information & Public Liaison Branch
Office of Information Technology
Acting Co-Scientific Director
Senior Investigator
Secretory Physiology Section
Research Training & Career Development Program
Acting Director
Division of Extramural Activities