Interventional Studies - Conduct & Operations
If you are an NIDCR grant applicant or awardee planning to conduct an interventional study, you may need the following documents.
Questions? Contact or your NIH Program Official.
Back to topInformed Consent
Resources | Description |
Suggestions for Consenting / Assenting | Guidance document that details practices to consider when conducting and documenting the informed consent process with study participants. |
Documenting the Consent Process | Provides a framework for documenting the consent discussion and process with a potential study subject. May be modified to suit the needs of the clinical research study. |
Informed Consent Document Review Checklist for NIDCR-Supported Research | Provides a checklist for quality control review of informed consent documents. Lists essential and additional elements based on guidance from the Office for Human Research Protections. |
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Data Management
Resources | Description |
Data Management Considerations | Helps an investigator evaluate the data management system’s ability to capture and validate data that is collected on paper or electronically. |
Clinical Data Management Plan Template | Provides a customizable template for studies using an Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system. Sections may be edited or deleted as needed. |
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Data & Safety Monitoring (DSMB, Medical Monitor, Independent Safety Monitor)
Resources | Description |
Types of Additional Oversight for Interventional Studies | NIDCR has established the following oversight mechanisms to ensure the safety of participants, the validity and integrity of the data, the appropriate conduct of the study, and the availability of data in a timely manner. As listed below, the level of oversight assigned to each study varies, depending on the risk to human subjects and the complexity of the study. This oversight is advisory to NIDCR and described in the NIDCR Clinical Terms of Award. |
NIDCR Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)
Resources | Description |
Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) Guidelines | Describes the roles and responsibilities of the DSMB, including its organization, meeting format, and reports |
DSMB Report Template | Provides a recommended structure for reporting data to the DSMB. Includes example text, instructions, and sample data tables. |
NIDCR Medical Monitor
Resources | Description |
NIDCR Medical Monitor Oversight Report Template for Clinical Studies | Provides a recommended structure for reporting data to the Medical Monitor. Includes example text, instructions, and sample data tables. |
NIDCR Independent Safety Monitor
Resources | Description |
Independent Safety Monitor (ISM) Guidelines | Describes the role of the ISM in monitoring the safety of a study. |
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Clinical Site Monitoring
Resources | Description |
NIDCR Clinical Monitoring Guidelines | Guidance document that provides detailed descriptions of the NIDCR Clinical Monitoring processes. |
Clinical Monitoring Plan Template | MS Word template to be used as a starting point for preparing a Clinical Monitoring Plan. Includes proposed structure, draft language, and guidance. |
Monitoring Visit Log | Completed by the clinical site monitor to document dates and purpose of clinical site monitoring visits. |
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Safety and Problem Event Reporting (AEs, Deviations, Unanticipated Problems, & Pregnancies)
Resources | Description |
Safety Definitions for Clinical Research | Provides definitions of important safety terminology for educational purposes. Terminology may also be used for protocol development. |
Reportable Events Table Template | Provides a template for organization of study-specific safety reporting requirements and a sample table for reference. |
Adverse Events
Resources | Description |
Serious Adverse Event Form Completion Instructions | Provides item-by-item instructions for completing the SAE Form. |
Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Form | For reporting Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) to NIDCR's Clinical Research Operations and Management Support (CROMS) contractor. |
Adverse Event Log | Provides a sample log for tracking Adverse Events that can be used as a template and modified for a specific study. |
Protocol Deviations
Resources | Description |
Protocol Deviation Form | May be used to document and report protocol deviations to the study sponsor (NIDCR) and the IRB. |
Protocol Deviation Form Completion Instructions | Provides item-by-item instructions for completing the Protocol Deviation Form. |
Protocol Deviation Tracking Log | Used to record all protocol deviations that occur at a study site. |
Unanticipated Problems
Resources | Description |
Unanticipated Problem Form Completion Instructions | Provides item-by-item instructions for completing the UP Form. |
Unanticipated Problems (UP) Form | For reporting Unanticipated Problems (UPs) to NIDCR's Clinical Research Operations and Management Support (CROMS) contractor. |
Resources | Description |
Pregnancy and Outcome Notification Form | For reporting pregnancies and their outcomes to NIDCR's Clinical Research Operations and Management Support (CROMS) contractor. |
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Quality Management
Resources | Description |
Quality Management of Clinical Research – Brief Overview | Reviews QM term definitions and activity examples, and provides an overview of available tools and templates. |
Clinical Quality Management Plan (CQMP) Template | Used as a starting point for preparing a CQMP. Provides a proposed structure, sample language, and other guidance. |
Quality Management Quarterly Review Tool | Provides a structure for QM review of study-wide materials and processes to be completed on a quarterly basis. |
Quality Management Annual Review Tool | Provides a structure for QM review of study-wide materials and processes to be completed on an annual basis. |
Quality Management Essential Documents Review Tool | Provides a structure for the development of study and site-specific QM review of Essential Documents. |
Quality Management Subject/Participant Data Review Tool | Provides structure for QM review of subject data and associated materials. Both single subject and multiple subject formats are provided. Sample text is included that should be customized for study-specific needs. |
Quality Management Summary Report Template | Summarizes the results of site-level QM efforts and provides a framework for reporting results of QM activities. |
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Screening & Enrollment
Resources | Description |
Site Screening and Enrollment Log | Used to list subjects screened; includes those who fail screening and those who are enrolled. |
Enrollment Report Template | May be used to report study subject accrual and completion numbers to NIDCR. Includes definitions of study status and recruitment status terms. |
Last Reviewed
February 2025
February 2025