235th Meeting: January 2024


Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Open to the public
Watch the NIH videocast »

Time Title Speaker
10:00 AM (ET) Welcome
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Annual Review of Council Operating Procedures
Dr. Lynn King
10:15 AM Report of the Director, NIDCR Dr. Rena D’Souza
11:30 AM Research Priorities of the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences
Dr. Rick Woychik
Director, NIEHS
12:00 PM

Concept Clearances
Reissue of NIDCR Small Grant for New Investigators

Dr. Lynn King
Dr. Preethi Chander

12:30 PM Break  
1:00 PM Oral Health Research Workforce Working Group Updates Dr. Dana Graves
1:20 PM Data Science Strategy Working Group Report Dr. Axel Visel
2:20 PM Dr. D’Souza for closing comments on the open session  
2:30 PM Adjournment of Open Session  

Send questions or comments concerning the open session by February 8, 2024, to NIDCRCouncilMail@nidcr.nih.gov. Questions from the public will not be addressed during the live videocast.

Sign language interpreters will be provided. Individuals with disabilities who need reasonable accommodation to participate in this event should contact Ms. Ashley Smith at 301-594-4890 (or use the Federal Relay, 1-800-877-8339).

Director's Report to Council

Meeting Minutes

Last Reviewed
June 2024