236th Meeting: May 2024


Wednesday, May 22, 2024
8:30 AM- 3:00 PM EDT
NIH Building 31C, 6th Floor, Room A & B
Open to the public
Watch the NIH videocast »

Time Title Speaker
8:30 AM  Welcome
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Dr. Lynn King
8:45 AM Opening Remarks Dr. Rena D’Souza
Director, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
9:15 AM NIH Director's Introduction:
Evidence-Based Health Care
Dr. Monica Bertagnolli
Director, National Institute of Health
10:15 AM

Examples of NIAMS’ Commitment to Dental and Craniofacial Research Collaborations

Dr. Lindsey Criswell
Director, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

11:15 AM NIDCR Director’s Report and Discussion Dr. Rena D’Souza
12:00 PM Break (not necessary for the public)  
1:00 PM Oral Health Research Workforce Working Group Report Dr. Dana Graves
2:15 PM

Concept Clearance

Advancing Precision Imaging for Enhanced Diagnosis and Treatment of Oral Lesions

Dr. Zhong Chen
2:45 PM Closing Remarks Dr. Rena D’Souza
3:00 PM Adjournment of Open Session  

Send questions or comments concerning the open session by June 14, 2024, to NIDCRCouncilMail@nidcr.nih.gov. Questions from the public will not be addressed during the live videocast.

American Sign Language interpreting services are available upon request. Individuals who need interpreting services and/or other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, contact the NIH Interpreting Office directly, via email, at nih@ainterpreting.com. Requests should be made at least three business days in advance in order to ensure interpreter availability.

Director's Report to Council

Last Reviewed
May 2024