Contact NIDCR
Health Information
For information about dental, oral, and craniofacial health, or if you need information in a language other than English, please contact NIDCR’s National Oral Health Information Center at:
Telephone: 1-866-232-4528
Information specialists are available to respond to phone inquiries Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST.
You may also visit the Health Info section of the NIDCR website to find answers to health-related questions and view, download or order publications.
Please note: NIDCR is a research institution. We do not provide dental care or referrals for the general public. For dental or medical advice, we urge you to visit a qualified dentist or physician. Please visit our web page on Finding Dental Care for suggestions about finding reduced-cost dental treatment or referrals or second opinions.
Please do not submit personally identifiable information, personal health information, or other sensitive information via e-mail.
Media Inquiries
If you are a member of the press and require assistance, please contact the NIDCR National Oral Health Information Center at:
Telephone: 1-866-232-4528
E-mail: NIDCR Press
Training and Career Development Information
Please visit the Careers & Training section of the NIDCR website to learn about NIDCR’s research training and career development opportunities.
For additional information about NIDCR extramural fellowships and career development opportunities, contact the Research Training & Career Development Branch.
For more information about training opportunities in NIDCR laboratories and on the NIH campus, contact Dr. Belinda Hauser, (301) 451-6492.
Research Grants and Funding Information
To contact an NIDCR program director to discuss scientific topics and funding mechanisms, please see Grants & Funding.
For information about the scientific peer review of applications, contact the Scientific Review Branch.
Contact the Grants Management Branch for information about administrative and fiscal issues related to NIDCR grants and cooperative agreements.
Website Questions
Please send comments or questions about the NIDCR website to:
March 2023