Epithelial & Salivary Gland Biology
Investigating the genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms of development, physiology, and glycobiology of mucosal and exocrine tissues with the aim to preserve and regenerate function.
Acting Co-Scientific Director
Senior Investigator
Secretory Physiology Section
Acting Co-Scientific Director
Adeno-Associated Virus Biology Section
Lasker Clinical Research Scholar
Oral Immunobiology Unit
Senior Investigator
Epithelial Signaling & Transport Section
Associate Scientific Director
Developmental Glycobiology Section
Stadtman Tenure Track Investigator
Salivary Disorders Unit
Adjunct Senior Investigator
Intracellular Membrane Trafficking Section, NIDCR
Senior Investigator
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, NCI
NIH Distinguished Investigator
Cell Biology Section